Piccolo Bacco Dei Quaroni
Rispettare la natura e assecondare i cicli naturali della vite sono i capisaldi che noi consideriamo inderogabili da qui la nostra attenzione alla cura del vigneto alla lenta maturazione dei vini alla tradizione al basso impatto ambientale

A playful and educational experience in the hills of the Oltrepò Pavese region. – from vine to grapes to wine
The vine yard Piccolo Bacco dei Quaroni organises educational workshops for primary schools aimed at sharing the knowledge of our region with its traditional agricultural production. We propose two activities.
- In spring: a field day in the vine yard with a “treasure hunt”.
The main objective is to get to know the elements peculiar of the hilly environment, included the farming of the vine. The kids are organised in teams and through riddles and quizes they have to show their knowledge and creativity to find the treasure.
In the afternoon, follows a visit to the wine cellar.
- In september/October: harvesting and pressing of the grapes.
The main objective in this case is to learn the techniques used during the phases of harvesting and wine-making, using creativity and manual skills. The kids are carried
to the vine yard using a our truck and they are given a pair of scissors: the harvesting starts! In the afternoon we all press the grapes using our feet, in this playful moment
the kids discover the old activities of their grandparents. Follows an explanation
of the various phases of the vinification.
It is also possible to book special wine bottles with the label “I made this wine”.
14 euro per kid, per day.
In case of booking of both spring and autumn workshops: 10 euro per kid, per day.
Come to visit our winery for tasting and shopping.
Call for appointment
Tommaso +39 347 9349734
Mario +39 3391402381
Our new kitchen is open from Friday night to Sunday lunch with tasting menus and picnic in the vineyard.
Call for Booking
Laura +39 335 5493118
Tommaso +39 347 9349734